Install an SSL Certificate on a Domain

Use this interface to install a certificate on a domain. To install a certificate, you can type the desired domain, and the interface will automatically fill the empty fields. You can also paste a certificate to automatically fill the domain and related information. To browse your certificates, click the “Browse Certificates” button.

We recommend that you only create SSL websites for domains that users control as their primary domain, parked domains, subdomains, or addon domains. If you create a website for a domain that a user does not control, that site will use Apache’s default document root and will have the pseudo user “nobody” as their owner. It will also always run outside Apache jails, even if you enable jails in Tweak Settings.
To give website clients the best experience, ensure that each SSL website’s certificate matches every domain on the website.

When you install a valid certificate onto a website, the system also configures email, calendar, web disk, and cPanel-related services to use that certificate for all of the website’s domains that match the certificate. Requests to these services from SNI-enabled clients via the matching domains will receive the installed certificate.

For more information, read our SSL Installation Workflow documentation.

Leave this text box blank unless you wish to create an SSL website for a domain that is not attached to a user account.
The certificate may already exist on the server. You can automatically fill the certificate or paste the entire .crt file above.
The key may already exist on the server. You can automatically fill the key or paste the entire .key file above.
In most cases, you do not need to supply the CA bundle. The server will retrieve it from a public repository during installation.