Tweak Settings

This server uses 1 linked node. To adjust a linked node’s configuration you must log in to that node directly. This interface will only affect the local server’s configuration. Use the “Link Server Nodes” interface to manage this server’s linked nodes.
gzip compression level (Minimum: 1; Maximum: 9) [?]
Number of pigz processes (Minimum: 1; Maximum: 128) [?]
Number of kilobyte chunks per compression work unit (Minimum: 128; Maximum: 524,288) [?]
cPAddons Site Software
cPAddons Site Software admin email [?]
cPAddons Site Software source automatic updates [?]
Max cPAddons Site Software installation requests [?]
Max cPAddons Site Software installation requests per addon [?]
cPAddons Site Software moderation notification [?]
Allow cPAddons Site Software installations from non-cPanel sources [?]
Allow cPAddons Site Software installations from modified sources [?]
Notify reseller of cPAddons Site Software installations [?]
Notify root of cPAddons Site Software installations [?]
Notify cPanel users when they need to update their cPAddons Site Software installations [?]
Standardized Hooks - Debug Mode [?]
User Interface - Debug Mode [?]
Default login theme [?]
Display File Usage information in the cPanel stats bar (inode count)
Number of accounts per page to display in “List Accounts”.
Allow users to park subdomains of the server’s hostname.
Allow cPanel users to create subdomains across accounts [?]
Allow WHM users to create subdomains across accounts [?]
Allow Remote Domains [?]
Allow resellers to create accounts with subdomains of the server’s hostname.
Allow unregistered domains [?]
Automatically add A entries for registered nameservers when creating a new zone [?]
Replace service SSL certificates that do not match the local hostname [?]
Prevent cPanel users from creating specific domains [?]
Check zone syntax [?]
Check zone owner [?]
Enable DKIM on domains for newly created accounts
Enable SPF on domains for newly created accounts
DNS request management application
Service subdomains [?]
Thunderbird and Outlook autodiscover and autoconfig support (enables service subdomain and SRV record creation) [?]
Preferred mail service to configure to use for Thunderbird and Outlook autodiscover and autoconfig support [?]
Host to publish in the SRV records for Outlook autodiscover support. [?]
Overwrite custom A records used for service subdomains [?]
Overwrite custom SRV records used by Outlook AutoDiscover support [?]
Service subdomain override [?]
Restrict document roots to public_html [?]
Always use authoritative (registered) nameservers when creating a new DNS zone. [?]
dnsadmin logging level (Minimum: 0; Maximum: 9) [?]
Enable verbose logging of DNS zone syncing [?]
Log successful logins [?]
Max hourly emails per domain [?]
Number of emails a domain may send per day before the system sends a notification. [?]
The mailbox storage format for new accounts [?]
Initial default/catch-all forwarder destination [?]
Mail authentication via domain owner password [?]
Include mailman in disk usage calculations
Email delivery retry time [?]
  •  m
Track email origin via X-Source email headers [?]
The percentage of email messages (above the account’s hourly maximum) to queue and retry for delivery. (Minimum: 100; Maximum: 10,000) [?]
  •  %
Monitor the number of unique recipients per hour to detect potential spammers. [?]
Select the action for the system to take on an email account when it detects a potential spammer. [?]
Number of unique recipients per hour to trigger potential spammer notification. [?]
Count mailman deliveries towards a domain’s Max hourly emails. [?]
Maximum percentage of failed or deferred messages a domain may send per hour [?]
  •  %
Number of failed or deferred messages a domain may send before protections can be triggered [?]
Restrict outgoing SMTP to root, exim, and mailman (FKA SMTP Tweak) [?]
Prevent “nobody” from sending mail [?]
Allow users to relay mail if they use an IP address through which someone has validated an IMAP or POP3 login within the last hour (Pop-before-SMTP) [?]
Add X-PopBeforeSMTP header for mail sent via POP-before-SMTP [?]
Enable BoxTrapper spam trap
Enable Email Archiving support
Enable Horde Webmail [?]
Age, in days, of content to purge users’ Horde cache files [?]
Enable Mailman mailing lists
Enable Roundcube webmail
Enable Apache SpamAssassin™ spam filter
Enable Apache SpamAssassin™ Spam Box delivery for messages marked as spam (user configurable)
Prefix “mail.” onto Mailman URLs [?]
Default user-defined quota value for new email accounts (Maximum: 4,294,967,296) [?]
  •  MB
Default quota option for new email accounts [?]
System disk space usage warnings [?]
Account system disk usage “warn” percentage [?]
  •  %
Account system disk usage “critical” percentage [?]
  •  %
Disk quota usage warnings [?]
Out of memory warnings [?]
Account disk quota “warn” percentage [?]
  •  %
Notify admin or reseller when disk quota reaches “warn” state [?]
Account disk quota “critical” percentage [?]
  •  %
Notify admin or reseller when disk quota reaches “critical” state [?]
Account disk quota “full” percentage [?]
  •  %
Notify admin or reseller when disk quota reaches “full” state [?]
Enable mailbox usage warnings
Mailbox disk quota “warn” percentage [?]
  •  %
Mailbox disk quota “critical” percentage [?]
  •  %
Mailbox disk quota “full” percentage [?]
  •  %
Bandwidth limit check [?]
Send notifications when certificates approach expiry. [?]
Send bandwidth limit notification emails [?]
Bandwidth usage warning: 70% [?]
Bandwidth usage warning: 75% [?]
Bandwidth usage warning: 80% [?]
Bandwidth usage warning: 85% [?]
Bandwidth usage warning: 90% [?]
Bandwidth usage warning: 95% [?]
Bandwidth usage warning: 97% [?]
Bandwidth usage warning: 98% [?]
Bandwidth usage warning: 99% [?]
Default maximum email quota for new packages (Maximum: 4,294,967,296) [?]
  •  MB
Default disk usage quota for new packages [?]
  •  MB
Default bandwidth limit for new packages [?]
  •  MB
cPanel PHP max execution time (Minimum: 90; Maximum: 500) [?]
  •  s
cPanel PHP max POST size (Minimum: 55; Maximum: 2,047)
  •  MB
cPanel PHP max upload size (Minimum: 50; Maximum: 2,047)
  •  MB
cPanel PHP loader

Choose the closest matched domain for which that the system has a valid certificate when redirecting from non-SSL to SSL URLs. Formerly known as “Always redirect to SSL/TLS” [?]
Non-SSL redirect destination [?]
SSL redirect destination [?]
Logout redirection URL [?]
Allow autocomplete for login screens. [?]
Hide login password from cgi scripts [?]
Cookie IP validation [?]
Generate core dumps [?]
Send passwords when creating a new account [?]
Enable File Protect [?]
Blank referrer safety check [?]
Referrer safety check [?]
Require SSL for cPanel Services [?]
Allow PHP to be run when logged in as a reseller to WHM [?]
Allow apps that have not registered with AppConfig to be run when logged in as a reseller to WHM. [?]
Allow apps that have not registered with AppConfig to be run when logged in as root or a reseller with the "all" ACL in WHM. [?]
This setting allows WHM applications and addons to execute even if an ACL list has not been defined. [?]
This setting allows cPanel and Webmail applications and addons to execute even if a feature list has not been defined. [?]
Use MD5 passwords with Apache [?]
EXPERIMENTAL: Jail Apache Virtual Hosts using mod_ruid2 and cPanel® jailshell. [?]
Signature validation on assets downloaded from cPanel & WHM mirrors. [?]
Default SSL/TLS Key Type [?]
Generate a self signed SSL certificate if a CA signed certificate is not available when setting up new domains. [?]
Verify signatures of 3rdparty cPaddons. [?]
Allow deprecated WHM accesshash authentication [?]
Use X-Frame-Options and X-Content-Type-Options headers with cpsrvd [?]
Enable strict SSH host key checking [?]
Display a message to reboot the server after essential software updates. [?]
Enable Content-Security-Policy on some interfaces [?]
Dormant services [?]

Maintenance cPanel RPM Check [?]
Maintenance cPanel RPM Digest Check [?]
Enable phpMyAdmin information schema searches [?]
Include databases in disk usage calculations
Use INFORMATION_SCHEMA to acquire MySQL disk usage [?]
Allow cPanel & WHM to determine the best value for your MySQL open_files_limit configuration? [?]
Allow cPanel & WHM to determine the best value for your MySQL max_allowed_packet configuration? [?]
Allow cPanel & WHM to determine the best value for your MySQL innodb_buffer_pool_size configuration? [?]
Require a username prefix on names of new databases and database users [?]
Stats and Logs
Allow users to update Awstats from cPanel
Delete each domain’s access logs after statistics are gathered [?]
Archive logs in the user's home directory at the end of each stats run unless configured by the user. [?]
Remove the previous month's archived logs from the user's home directory at the end of each month unless configured by the user. [?]
Extra CPUs for server load [?]
Keep master FTP log file [?]
Keep log files at the end of the month [?]
Keep stats logs [?]
Apache log file chmod value [?]
Show bandwidth usage in megabytes by default in WHM
Stats log level (Minimum: 1; Maximum: 10) [?]
Log rotation size threshold (Minimum: 10) [?]
  •  MB
The interval, in days, to retain Exim stats in the database (Minimum: 1; Maximum: 365,000)
The number of days to keep records of ModSecurity™ rule hits. (Use zero to keep forever).
Number of days to retain upcp logs before purging them (Minimum: 3; Maximum: 999) [?]
Stats Programs
Awstats reverse DNS resolution
Enable Analog stats
Enable Awstats stats
Enable Webalizer stats
Critical load threshold [?]
Send error reports to cPanel for analysis [?]
Update analysis retention interval (Minimum: 0) [?]
  •  days
Accounts that can access a cPanel user account: [?]
Allow server-info and server-status [?]
Allow cPanel users to install SSL Hosts.
Apache non-SSL IP/port [?]
Apache SSL port [?]
cPanel & WHM API shell (for developers) [?]
DNS server reload deferral time (Maximum: 300) [?]
  •  s
HTTPD deferred reload time [?]
  •  s
The number of seconds between ChkServd service checks. (Minimum: 60; Maximum: 7,200) [?]
The number of times ChkServd allows a previous check to complete before termination. (Minimum: 1; Maximum: 20) [?]
The option to enable or disable ChkServd HTML notifications. [?]
The option to enable or disable ChkServd recovery notifications. [?]
Conserve memory [?]
cpsrvd username domain lookup [?]
Prevent cpsrvd from serving standard HTTP ports [?]
Cache disk quota information [?]
Recursive DNS query pool size [?]
Reverse DNS lookup upon connect [?]
Age, in days, of content to purge from users’ File Manager Trash [?]
Enable optimizations for the C compiler [?]
Max HTTP submission size (Minimum: 1; Maximum: 10,240) [?]
  •  MB
File upload required free space [?]
  •  MB
Interval, in days, between rebuilds of the FTP quota and disk usage data (applies to Pure-FTPd only) (Minimum: 1; Maximum: 365,000) [?]
Depth to recurse for .htaccess checks (Minimum: 0) [?]
Enable legacy warnings [?]
Account Invites for Subaccounts [?]
Listen on IPv6 Addresses [?]
I/O priority level at which bandwidth usage is processed (Minimum: 0; Maximum: 7) [?]
I/O priority level at which stats logs are processed (Minimum: 0; Maximum: 7) [?]
I/O priority level at which nightly backups are run (Minimum: 0; Maximum: 7) [?]
I/O priority level at which cPanel-generated backups are run (Minimum: 0; Maximum: 7) [?]
I/O priority level for user-initiated processes (Minimum: 0; Maximum: 7) [?]
I/O priority level at which quota checks are run (Minimum: 0; Maximum: 7) [?]
I/O priority level at which FTP quota checks are run (when Pure-FTPd is enabled) (Minimum: 0; Maximum: 7) [?]
I/O priority level at which email_archive_maintenance is run (Minimum: 0; Maximum: 7) [?]
I/O priority level at which dovecot_maintenance is run (Minimum: 0; Maximum: 7) [?]
Use cPanel® jailshell by default [?]
Jailed /proc mount method ( * Choosing this option will create a limited /proc mount for legacy operating systems. ) [?]
Jailed /bin mounted suid [?]
Jailed /usr/bin mounted suid [?]
Max cPanel process memory (Minimum: 4,096) [?]
  •  MB
Max cPanel/WHM/Webmail service handlers (Minimum: 200; Maximum: 16,384) [?]
Minimum time between Apache graceful restarts. (Minimum: 10; Maximum: 600) [?]
Send language file changes to cPanel
Remote WHM timeout (Minimum: 35) [?]
  •  s
Disk usage/quota bailout time [?]
  •  s
Reset Password for cPanel accounts [?]
Reset Password for Subaccounts [?]
Enable Linux kernel update during nightly maintenance. [?]
Server Locale [?]

System Default: English
Send a notification when a user’s backup has errors
Allow other applications to run the cPanel and admin binaries [?]
ChkServd TCP check failure threshold [?]
Number of seconds an SSH connection related to an account transfer may be inactive before timing out (Minimum: 1,800; Maximum: 172,800)
  •  seconds
Do not make changes to the firewall during account modification. [?]
Do not make changes to the firewall via scripts/configure_firewall_for_cpanel. [?]
Enforce user account limits for resellers with the “Account Modification” ACL. [?]
Copy default error documents to docroot for new accounts, addon domains, and subdomains [?]


  • The first time you enable a log statistics program, it will take between 24 and 48 hours for the reports to appear in a user’s cPanel interface. If the server is under load, it can take longer than 48 hours for the report to appear.
  • Disabling cPanel features requires a theme which supports dynamic features.
  • Items prefaced by a warning icon indicate previously missing options which have received the default setting.